Clinics & Services
In addition to GP consultations the practice adheres to the General Medical Services Contract for the provision of healthcare services:
Child Vaccinations - The practice’s child vaccination clinics are currently held on Wednesday mornings for under 2 years and Friday afternoons for under 5 years. For more information please click on the “vaccination schedule” page on the right of the 'Further Information' screen.
Adult Vaccinations - Influenza, covid-19, shingles and pneumococcal vaccinations are offered during vaccination campaigns - eligible patients are contacted when clinics are running to invite them to attend.
Child Health Screening - This service is provided the Northern Trust employed Health Visitors and you should contact them directly to access this service.
Cervical Smears - This service is jointly provided between the regional Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) and the Practice. All female patients between the age of 25 and 65 will be routinely called for screening in line with current guidelines.
Minor Surgery - Weekly minor surgery clinics are provided by Dr McConkey, Dr Hogg and Dr Gray. These include joint injections, the removal of cysts, minor skin lesions, lumps, etc. An initial consultation is required with a GP before an appointment can be booked. Due to high demand we operate a waiting list for these clinics to ensure fair and equitable access.
Antenatal Clinic - Weekly clinics are held with the Midwife on Wednesday mornings between 09:00 and 12:00.
The Health Board has changed the booking procedures for new ante natal appointments. Patients are now required to Self Refer to the Midwifery services in a hospital of their choice. There are 3 hospital choices available: Please click on your preferred hospital to access Self Referral Form.
Northern Trust - Antrim Hospital
Belfast Trust - Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital or Mater Hospital
RJMH/Mater Self Referral Form
South Eastern Trust
Lagan Valley Self Referral Form
Sexual Health Services - The practice provides a wide range of sexual health services such as contraception (including emergency contraception, long acting implants and the fitting of coils) and screening for sexually transmitted diseases. This is a specialist service and is only provided by a small number of the GPs.
Asthma/COPD - The Practice offers annual Asthma and COPD Review clinics and you will be invited to make an appointment at one of these clinics each year.
Diabetes - The Practice offers annual Diabetic Review clinics and you will be invited to make an appointment at one of these clinics each year. We also have access to a Diabetic Nurse Specialist and the Retinal Screening Programme.
Other Clinics
From time to time the practice will focus on the treatment of certain disease areas, such as Hypothyroidism, Stroke, Cancer, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dementia and Mental Health. If you are called to a clinic it is because you have been identified as needing a review. These clinics have been set up to meet quality standards in disease management and it is important that you acknowledge any contact regarding attendance.
The practice also seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle. Help and advice are available within the practice on issues such as weight management and giving up smoking. Where appropriate we are also able to make use of services offered by outside agencies. Please contact reception if you would like an appointment with one of the practice nurses to discuss the services available.