Carrickfergus Health Centre | Taylor's Avenue | Carrickfergus | Co. Antrim | BT38 7HT | Tel: 028 9331 5955

In addition to GP consultations the practice adheres to the General Medical Services Contract for the provision of healthcare services:

Please Note: we do not offer a travel vaccination clinic. If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel, you are advised to contact a private travel clinic for advice.

Child Vaccinations

The practice’s child vaccination clinics are currently held on Wednesday mornings for under 2 years and Friday afternoons for under 5 years. For vaccination information please click on the “vaccination schedule” above.

Parents will be informed automatically of the need to bring their child to the surgery for any vaccination due under the Northern Ireland regional programme. It is advisable that parents ensure their child has received all the recommended vaccinations before starting school.

Adult Vaccinations

From the age of 15 years everyone should ensure they have had a tetanus and polio booster in the last 10 years. If in doubt please check with one of the nurses at the Practice.

Covid-19, Influenza & Pneumococcal and Shingles vaccinations are available from 1st September each year for the elderly, infirm and those in certain risk categories specified by the Department of Health.

Child Health Screening

This service is provided by the Northern Trust employed Health Visitors, you should contact them directly to access this service.

Cervical Smears

This service is jointly provided between the regional Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) and the Practice.

It is very important for all women under 65 to have a regular cervical smear test. There are many early stages of cervical cancer and, if picked up early, this is totally curable by simple treatment and no major operation is necessary. 

Minor Surgery

Weekly minor surgery clinics are provided by Dr McConkey, Dr Hogg and Dr Gray. These include the following:

  • joint injections
  • the removal of cysts
  • minor skin lesions
  • lumps, etc.

An initial consultation is required with a GP before an appointment can be booked. Due to high demand we operate a waiting list for these clinics to ensure fair and equitable access.

Antenatal Clinic

Weekly clinics are held with the Midwife on Wednesday mornings between 09:00 and 12:00.

The Health Board has recently changed the booking procedures for new antenatal appointments. Patients are now required to Self Refer to the Midwifery services in a hospital of their choice. There are 3 hospital choices available, please click on your preferred hospital to access the Self Referral Form:

  • Northern Trust: Antrim Hospital – Antrim Hospital Self Referral to Midwife
  • Belfast Trust: Mater or Jubillee Hospital Maternity Referral
  • South Eastern Trust: Lagan Valley Self Referral Form
Sexual Health Services

The practice provides a wide range of sexual health services such as contraception (including emergency contraception, long acting implants and the fitting of coils) and screening for sexually transmitted diseases. This is a specialist service and is only provided by a small number of the GPs

Asthma / COPD

The Practice offers annual Asthma and COPD Review clinics and you will be invited to make an appointment at one of these clinics each year.

The Asthma clinic is held by Sharon McMurtry and Sonya Mitchell. You may be invited to this clinic to review your condition and medication needs. At your appointment the clinician may also discuss inhaler technique and compliance. Please do not make a routine appointment with your GP regarding these issues but contact reception to make an appointment at one of the special Asthma clinics.


The Practice offers annual Diabetic Review clinics and you will be invited to make an appointment at one of these clinics each year. We also have access to a Diabetic Nurse Specialist and the Retinal Screening Programme.

Other Clinics

From time to time the practice will focus on the treatment of certain disease areas, such as:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Dementia
  • Mental Health

If you are called to a clinic it is because you have been identified as needing a review. These clinics have been set up to meet quality standards in disease management and it is important that you acknowledge any contact regarding attendance.

The practice also seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle. Help and advice are available within the practice on issues such as weight management and giving up smoking. Where appropriate we are also able to make use of services offered by outside agencies.

Please contact reception if you would like an appointment with one of the practice nurses to discuss the services available.

Specialist Services

Services are also available from the following:

  • dietician
  • podiatrist
  • physiotherapist
  • social worker
  • clinical psychologist
  • community psychiatric nurse
  • speech therapist

Additional specialised services include:

  • psycho-sexual counselling
  • aspects of social welfare law and advice on occupational health

There is no longer an x-ray service available at the health centre so patients are now required to attend the radiology department at Whiteabbey or Antrim Hospitals.

Treatment Room Services

The treatment room is run by the Northern Health & Social Care Trust. It is open from 08:45 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. It operates an ‘appointments only’ system and patients should contact the practice reception desk (or telephone 028 9331 5835) to make an appointment.

Non-NHS Services

An increase in the volume of administration requests for GP’s to complete private reports, which fall outside the remit of NHS work, has resulted in increased pressure managing day to day medical services; this must remain our priority for the health and wellbeing of our patients.

Examples of these reports include:

  • private medical certificates for employers or educational bodies
  • requests from insurance companies – e.g. holiday cancellation, payment protection etc.
  • pre-employment medicals (including Camp America)
  • endorsement of photography for passport and driving licence applications.

We are therefore reviewing the way we charge for private work in an attempt to offset this increased workload.

Payment will be based on a fee of £200.00 per hour or part thereof. There will be a minimum charge of £50.00 increasing incrementally in line with length of time needed to complete the request.

Currently HGV and PSV medicals incur a fee of £100.00 – (£20.00 deposit and balance paid at time of medical examination). We do not accept card payments.

This work is not part of National Health Service payments therefore any fees are paid directly to the practice.

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Due to the extreme red weather warning in place. Unfortunately we will be unable to open at 2pm today, 24 January, due to a power failure and phone lines being down.

While the surgery is still without power and phones, a GP will be on site from 4pm for emergencies.