Carrickfergus Health Centre | Taylor's Avenue | Carrickfergus | Co. Antrim | BT38 7HT | Tel: 028 9331 5955

Symptoms to Watch Out For:

  • High Fever
  • Runny Nose
  • Cough
  • Aching/feeling unwell
  • Sore Red Eyes
  • Rash

If you or your child have not had two doses of the MMR vaccine, you could catch measles.
If you think you have measles, please inform reception staff immediately so you can be seen in a separate room. This will stop the infection spreading to others.
Click the buttons above for more information:

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Due to the extreme red weather warning in place. Unfortunately we will be unable to open at 2pm today, 24 January, due to a power failure and phone lines being down.

While the surgery is still without power and phones, a GP will be on site from 4pm for emergencies.

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