Carrickfergus Health Centre | Taylor's Avenue | Carrickfergus | Co. Antrim | BT38 7HT | Tel: 028 9331 5955

How do I update my contact details with Patient Services

  • Email Address: If you have already registered with the new email address then that is a new registration and you will need to input the prescription information again. If not then you just need to log on as normal (using the old email address) and click on the blue Patient Home button. You can change your email address in there. You will then be sent an activation link to the new email address, click the link to activate the new email address. Once this has been done you will need to log in using the new address.
  • Change Name Details: Log on as normal and click on the blue Patient Home button. You can change relevant details in there.
  • Change Address Details: Simply log on as normal and simply update the details in the address box. The information will only be saved when you submit a prescription

Changing your Contact Details with the Surgery

Please complete the form below to update your contact details with us, we can then update our records. We will require proof of name or address changes, so please bring this with you on your next visit to the practice.

Please Note: Fields marked with an * are required

Change of Contact Details

Note: If your new address falls outside of our catchment area, you will need to register with a new GP and we will be contacting you regarding this matter.

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Due to the extreme red weather warning in place. Unfortunately we will be unable to open at 2pm today, 24 January, due to a power failure and phone lines being down.

While the surgery is still without power and phones, a GP will be on site from 4pm for emergencies.

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